Quilling Worksheets and Quilling Resource/Reference Materials

Friday, January 30, 2009

Still working . . . .

Well, I am still working on all of the “quiller interviews”, collecting information and trying to decide which pieces of their work I want to show. I’ve spoken with Malinda Johnston who is the founder and former owner of Lake City Crafts and Betty Christy who wrote the very first quilling book I ever bought. Both are quillers from the early 70’s who helped quilling along its way here in the United States. They are sending me some more materials to work with. This is turning out to be a fun idea; it is making me reach out to all kinds of people. Since so many of my “interview/features” are still in the works, I am back to quilling techniques for this week’s blog.
I made some hearts (after all it is the end of January so Valentine’s Day can’t be far behind). I am actually working on some ideas for a new kit I am working on for Paplin Products. I did two “theme” kits for them; Nothing but Flowers and Nothing but Butterflies. This new one will be Nothing but Hearts, but it won’t actually come out until next year, I am still trying to decide which pieces I will use. it's kind of fun working on kits because I get to do things I normally wouldn't do, except for the directions. I HATE writing directions!

One that I will not put in the kit is this one, mainly because I can’t figure out how to write directions for it. The technique for the actual heart is called bandaging. It is not a technique I use very often, but I really like the way this heart looks. I actually “stacked” six strips of light pink paper together (they are not glued to one another) and then shaped them into a heart. After I glued the heart shut, I “wrapped’ the red strip around the stacked strips and glued it in place. (See what I mean about the instructions? Way too wordy for a kit) This technique is really pretty neat for “framing” things, in this case I put the mini flower spray inside the heart. Try it out . . . you might like it. It is quite sturdy, in fact as I am sitting here typing, I am thinking that this might be a really good technique for a bottom of a basket , cup, or plate instead of a large tight roll. I have been toying with the idea of making something like a quilled luncheon plate, hmmmm. I will keep you posted on plate progress as well as all of the other projects I have in the works. Maybe I should take up juggling!

Oh! By the way, since I moved the blog over here, I noticed a couple of comments on some of the older posts, if you need a response from me, be sure to email me so I can respond directly to you. I noticed someone looking for a cross pattern but didn't get a name or email address. My email address is Whimsiquills@cox.net


  1. As quiller Francine (from France) says, "Ooh La La!" I love the hearts. So pretty! I can't wait to see your heart kit - I'll be among the first in line! I'm a sucker for anything hearts. Thank you so much for sharing - especially the technique "bandaging" - never have heard of that one before - I need to try it. Would it work well on a wreath, too? Hmm, you got my wheels turning YET again!

  2. Thank you for sharing and I am second in line! The "bandaging" technique is new to me as well even though I've been doing this for what seems like a lifetime. Thank you again and I don't know that instructions can be too "wordy" as long as you are getting the point across. I am teaching a quilling class next weekend and I know I can get long winded speaking so I know what you mean about writing! Can't wait to see more! Monica

  3. Thank you Pat for the visit, yes I love your blog and your quilling amazes me. I sure hope one day that I can get that good. I just started quilling last year and I love it.

  4. I love the hearts!!!!
    bandaging....I've used it to make grapevine wreaths...never new its name til now...awesome!

  5. Hi Pat. thx for stopping by my blog.
    I thought I had you in my blog roll already but seems not. I will add you! Gosh your work is gorgeous! I love your hearts!

  6. Hi ya my name is Val i have found this blog by clicking and WOWi love your hearts. I am very new to quilling but seeing the things that people have made has made me more determined to learn more.

