Quilling Worksheets and Quilling Resource/Reference Materials

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Alternative uses for quilling strips

Quite a while back, I made this handout to illustrate different ways quilling strips could be used. We even carried Fiskars border punches for a while; although we are discontinuing them to make room for other inventory. I like using the punches or decorative edge scissors to create interesting borders for cards etc. I also use them to border the edges of my photograph albums/scrap books. I know some quillers like using the wider strips (especially the metallics and pearls) to make German stars. I have never quite gotten the hang of making them. I have had two different quillers sit down with me to teach me how to make them. I am fine until I go home and try it on my own; I get halfway through and then I get stuck! Oh well . . .

This week I found yet another use for my quilling strips. My 8 month old Shih Tzu puppy (Mandy) has discovered quilling! I just had to share her "work" I guess it is really more like "play".

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