Many of you who know me through the web site
Whimsiquills.com or this blog have probably learned that I have had to move/change my web site. This wasn't something I ever planned to do but the decision was made for me when I learned that the platform that was hosting the site was closing down. WOW! That was a shocker! So after many, many hours of work and no small amount of frustration I finally have the new web site up and running. I tried to make it look like the old site so people wouldn't get "lost" and I actually like some features of the new site better than the old. But there are always little "glitches".
I have linked the new site to this blog but will have to go through ALL of the posts and change the links within those posts to link to the new site. UGH!!! I will get it done . . . but please be patient with me. If you are reading one of the older posts and come across a broken link, please let me know so I can fix it. I will eventually get them all updated but it will take some time. Thanks for understanding.